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Light, Love and Warmth
4 Tuesday Morning Eurythmy Classes
Date: Feb 11th - Mar 4th
8:15-9:30AM (PT)
Thinking, feeling and willing as expressions of our Soul
Every aspect of our human experience can be strengthened and developed in our eurythmy practice—and this includes thinking, feeling and willing, the three portals of our soul whose highest virtues are truth, beauty and goodness.
In this webinar series we will learn how the three powers of Thinking, Feeling and Willing all work differently in our eurythmy, are expressed and unfold differently in movement, and develop our souls in distinct way.
The work will include the three Healing Eurythmy exercises that bring health by cultivating the virtues of Thinking, Feeling and Willing, namely “Ah-Reverence, Love-Ā, and Hope-U.”
Pre-Requisites: None, Beginner Friendly
All classes are offered freely, but you are encouraged to participate in our energy exchange. In acknowledgement of the widely varying financial situations of all people, there is no fixed price for this work, but we suggest a donation of $10-$30 for each class. ($40-$120/series)
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