Join Cynthia for Eurythmy and Anthroposophy Webinars
eurythmy as a personal practice
next webinar
The Fourth Panel of
the Foundation Stone
in Eurythmy
In commemoration of the 100th year anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death
(Mar 30th)
4 Tuesday Morning Eurythmy Classes
Mar 11th - Apr 1st
Tuesdays at 8:15-9:30AM (PT)
Please note: recordings will be available for those who cannot attend the live classes

studies in
next webinar
Our Living Earth
with Harald Hoven
Master biodynamic gardener Harald Hoven presents four talks about the forces of death and resurrection as experienced in his work observing and serving the earth through gardening
3 Thursday Evening Lectures
Mar 13th, 20th and April 3
(no class March 27)
Thursdays at 6:00-7:15PM (PT)
Please note: recordings will be available for those who cannot attend the live classes
We are pleased to introduce...
The All Access Annual Pass!
The annual pass provides full access to all recorded content that Cynthia creates including Foundational Exercises, Previous Webinars, Studies in Anthroposophy, and Homeschooling.
This is a perfect way to continue developing your personal eurythmy practice when the live webinars are not available, like during the summer break.
Take advantage of the all access and lower price today!

Welcome to Eurythmy Online
Welcome. I have spent decades teaching Eurythmy and Studies in Anthroposophy to thousands of people around the world. In addition to decades of teaching as Rudolf Steiner College, I have worked as a eurythmy performer, trainer, therapist and workshop leader, and have been a pioneer in developing online Eurythmy curriculum.
This website was the first comprehensive online eurythmy journey, created with the vision of making Eurythmy available to anyone, anywhere, with special concern for people who cannot attend live eurythmy classes, as well as for people who have taken courses but would like to go deeper at home. The project focuses on Eurythmy as a Personal Practice.
I have over 60 pre-recorded eurythmy lessons that teach warm-up exercises, rod exercises, how to move in space eurythmically, vowels, consonants, and health-bringing exercises.
The advent of the Covid quarantine asked for another deepening of the work, and in 2020 I expanded to offer multi-week live eurythmy modules that focus on various themes, including Healing Exercises, Healthy Sleep, Planets and Vowels, Constellations and Consonants, Four Elements in Eurythmy, and more.
In addition, I also offer lecture series on topics of deep interest to the modern spiritual seeker.
Explore Our Collection of Eurythmy Recordings
Deepen your personal practice with access to 100+ lessons for both the beginner and advanced eurythmist.
What Other Students Are Saying About Cynthia Hoven...
These lessons helped me build a personal eurythmy practice that I use daily. This practice, which is invaluable, makes such a difference in how I show up in the world each day. The experience is well worth the investment in my personal spiritual growth.
This creates an opportunity to study the art of Eurythmy in your own time, in a
rhythmical way, with a creative Master Teacher, while you embark on a well-designed and methodical personal practice. Cynthia clearly demonstrates
eurythmy with depth.
Master Teacher, Cynthia Hoven’s online Eurythmy classes create a beautiful opportunity to study the art and essence of Eurythmy as a personal practice,
when not having access to a life teacher.
If you are in a position to help the Eurythmy Online project grow, you can make a donation below. I am honored to offer much of my work on a sliding scale or by donation.
Personal Consultations
Cynthia offers individual coaching sessions for eurythmy and spiritual work.
Updated 2-24-2024