Staying connected to our Spiritual Path
I always begin and end my eurythmy lessons with the vision: we have come to earth to awaken, in freedom, to our spiritual identity. Through the greatest gift imaginable, we have been given this gift of life: an earth to walk upon, air to breathe and food to eat, animals for companions. And we have been given bodies, to sense and perceive and receive the world, and through it to become conscious. Here we may awaken to our true human-ness. And when we have truly learned to Love, we will be able to give this precious earth back to the Creator in a response worthy of the gift we have been given.
It has taken unspeakably long ages to come to this point in evolution. Now we have arrived at the stage when anyone can deny God. It is possible to grasp this gift in selfishness, to use it and abuse it, and in the process participate in the exhaustion of the planet.
Rudolf Steiner cautions us: the “old creation has come to an end.” What happens from here on out is up to us. As we enter what is now being called the “Post-Truth” era, and the age of synthetic (aka “virtual”) reality, we must even wonder how long we can expect that the gift of clear consciousness will be gifted to us. From here on out we will be expected to work even for the capacity to think clearly.
This age has been called the Age of the Consciousness Soul, and it is now that we must really begin to accomplish our tasks as human beings.
As we enter 2017, we can see with ever more clarity what we shall need to accomplish! In every single exchange with the God-given world—mineral, plant, animal, human—we canlearn to perceive the handwork of the spirit speaking mutely to us, longing to be recognized, redeemed and lifted. When we actually experience the sacredness of our world, we will live be in right relationship to it. Right actions and right deeds will follow.
I believe the spiritual world hopes that each one of us wanderers on this journey towards self-realization will find the tools and the teachers that will give us the strength and direction we need for this beautiful and fierce journey.
Meditation exercises and the development of living thinking are part of the journey.
Love and deeds of kindness are part of the journey.
And for those of us who wish to grow and deepen our practice through a loving discipline of living meditative movement, I know of nothing as regenerative as eurythmy.
With humility, gratitude and love I want to share eurythmy whenever and wherever I can. In that spirit I travel the world, teaching workshops and self-development, especially for adult learners. And the Eurythmy Online project is one part of this global project. Eurythmy Alive is my newest project: more news about that will follow soon!
Beholding the year(s) ahead of us, I decided to offer a 50% on the three beautiful sequences from the online curriculum. (And if you really would like to work with these exercises but cannot even afford the price I ask, write to me and we can see what is possible!)
A Sequence to Open to the Spirit January Sale: $75
Built around the Ah-reverence exercise, this sequence is created especially for those who are overwhelmed by the senses and who feel as if they are being “ground down” by the sense world.
It is especially recommended to help people who have a hard time falling asleep at night, who spend too much time at the computer or in cares, or who are highly susceptible to catching colds from others.
This 15 minute sequence contains 6 beautiful exercises.
A Sequence for Deep Grounding January Sale: $75 Built around the Hope-U exercise, this sequence is created especially for those who feel that their lower body is weak or unpenetrated. They may not eat well, they may not feel that they stand firmly on the earth. Their legs may be cold, or their digestion weak. This 15 minute sequence contains 6 beautiful exercises. |
A Sequence for a Peaceful Heart January Sale: $75 Built around the Love-Ā exercise, this sequence is created especially for those who want to work towards finding equanimity in the heart chakra. It is especially helpful for people who tend to have high or low blood pressure, who carry stress in their hearts, who are weary by giving away too much energy and cannot find peace. This 15 minute sequence contains 8 balancing exercises. |
Local Sacramento friends may join me for two Eurythmy classes: Feb. 2 and Feb. 9 from 7:15-8:45 pm. These classes will focus on the fourth panel of the Foundation Stone Meditation. Contact me for details.