1. The entire online curriculum: https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/full-curriculum/ Over 52 lessons to create a full practice Normally $1299, now $650
2. Basic warmup exercises https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/basic-warm-up-exercises/ Includes threefold walking, contraction/expansion, the Peace Exercise, and more Normally $149, now $75
3. Eurythmy for Health and Well-Being https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/eurythmy-for-health-and-well-being/ Includes the three beautiful Soul Exercises “Ah-reverence, Hope-U and Love-E,” Halleluiah, and more Normally $149, now $75
4. A Sequence for Deep Grounding https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/a-sequence-for-deep-grounding/ Includes Contraction/Expansion and also Hope-U, the primary exercise for strengthening the breathing process and overcoming fear, and more Normally $149, now $75
5. A Sequence to Open to the Spirit https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/a-sequence-to-open-to-spirit/ Contains Contraction/Expansion, B for self-protection, and A-Reverence for strengthening your access to spiritual resources and overcome stress Normally $149, now $75
6. A Sequence for a Peaceful Heart https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/a-sequence-for-a-peaceful-heart/ Includes Contraction/Expansion and Love-E, to gentle the anxiety of your heart, and more Normally $149, now $75
7. Finally, as an offering to the affected families, the entire Eurythmy for Homeschool families will also be discounted. Purchase https://woocommerce-343166-1388959.cloudwaysapps.com/product/high-school-curriculum/ and receive access to pre-kindergarten through high school plus eurythmy for the home schooling parent. Normally $145, now $75
I am also available to do online counseling and consultation. You can make an appointment by contacting me at info@eurythmyonline.com
Eurythmy has a unique contribution to offer during these wild and challenging times we live in now. Take hold of your own journey!