Inner Work #3
This is the 3rd of 10 lectures in the series "The Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work," delivered on Michaelmas Day, Sept. 29, 2022.
Anthroposophical Inner Work
This is the 3rd of 10 lectures in the series "The Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work," delivered on Michaelmas Day, Sept. 29, 2022.
In this lesson we dive even deeper into the spiritual path of inner work, examining the factors involved in the sting of evil that lives on the earth and in the human heart, and on our divine work to transform it in our self-chosen evolutionary path.
This is the eighth in a series of 10 lectures on Inner Work. In this talk, we speak of the relationship between the threshold of the spiritual world as it is experienced by a spiritual seeker and how it is experienced by a person at the moment of their death.
With this, the seventh lecture in this series, I speak about the how our four bodies came into being through the course of evolution from Ancient Saturn to present earth, how our Ego works upon these bodies to create soul functions and our spiritual future. This is a rich lecture that ultimately leads to a description of stnading at the threshold to the spiritual world.
This is the 6th of the 10-part series "The Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work, in which we begin the study of meditation with the Blue-and-Yellow exercise and the Rose Cross Meditation.
This is the 5th of 10 Lectures on the Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work. In this week we continued our work with the content of the book "Knowledge of Higher Worlds," focusing on bringing order to the soul body through reverence, quiet, mindfulness and more. We then continued to consider the chakras and their transformation through the eightfold path and the six basic exercises.
This is the 4th of 10 talks about the Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work. In this lesson we go more deeply into the 6 Basic Exercises, and focus on the first of six exercises, Control of thinking.
This powerful final lecture describes how in our present age initiation no longer takes place in the sequestered places of the temples but in the streets and meetings of our daily lives! A rich and comprehensive completion of our journey.
This is the second in a 10-part series of lectures on "The Anthroposophical Path of Inner Work. We examined the ancient yogic practice of breath control, and the modern path of the "Yoga of the Senses," culminating with the practice of learning to attune our hearing to perceive the inner nature of sentient animals and people.
This is the first of ten lessons on practices of inner work, in which we begin by looking at "Soul Work," the first steps on the path of inner work.Watch all 10 lessons for a complete experience.