Michaelic Season in Eurythmy
NOTE: These lessons are not available to purchase individually, you must purchase the full collection as a set or the All Access Annual Pass.
Michaelic Season in Eurythmy
Price: $70
Eurythmy at the Threshold and The Verse for America – Part 7
This is the final lesson for this webinar series, which began in September with the bold "Michaelic Quest for Courage," told in the language for an adventure story for children, and ended today with the quest for courageous work with other humans and the spiritual world, in our time.
Threshold Season & The American Verse – Part 6
Our Exercises for November 5 - As we shift our focus in the last four sessions of this module, we will focus on working with the threshold experience with a beautiful verse by Rudolf Steiner. Peace Exercise Threefold walking, practicing moving in 4 directions in space Contraction/Expansion, practicing also moving in a spiral Consonants according to their elements, integrating them with spatial forms New! A Verse by Rudolf Steiner, "The America Verse" Halleluiah
Eurythmy for the Threshold Season – Part 5
November is the month of the year in which we face the dying away of the glory of nature's creative season. From October 31 to November 2, we passed through the triad of festival dates at the end of October and the beginning of November, known as: Hallowe'en, the evening before the "hallowed days;" All Soul's Day, which marks the day we cultivate awareness of those who have crossed the threshold of death into the spiritual world' and All Saints' Day, on which we commemorate the highly developed initiates whose spiritual development enables them to pass beyond death with pure spiritual sheathes, and offer these to the spiritual surroundings of our solar system. This threshold experience of November prepares us for the season of Advent with anticipation for the birth of the light in the darkness of winter. We are dedicating our eurythmy in these four sessions to working with this theme.
Eurythmy for the Threshold Season – Part 4
This week we will face the triad of festival dates at the end of October and the beginning of November. These three festivals are: Hallowe'en, the evening before the "hallowed days;" All Soul's Day, which marks the day we cultivate awareness of those who have crossed the threshold of death into the spiritual world' and All Saints' Day, on which we commemorate the highly developed initiates whose spiritual development enables them to pass beyond death with pure spiritual sheathes, and offer these to the spiritual surroundings of our solar system. We will dedicate our eurythmy in these next four sessions to working with this theme.
Eurythmy for the Michaelic Season – Part 3
This is the third lesson in this Michaelmas season, and continues the magical story of two children who are practicing becoming grounded and strong so that they can become helpers of Michael. With this approach, a charming narrative teaches powerful therapeutic exercises----for you, the adult learners.
Eurythmy for the Michaelic Season – Part 2
Our Exercises for October 2 - We continued the exercises from Week 1 of this series, weaving our exercises for strength and grounding into an imaginative lesson adaptive from pedagogical eurythmy. In the spirit of Michaelic courage and awakedness, I chose to entwine the narrative of this series into a style that resembles a children's eurythmy lesson, in which a pair of young children need to practice certain skills. Several of the exercises are that these imaginary children were taught are, in fact, specific therapeutic exercises. By learning in this way, I hope you will experience not only the quite practice I usually teach but also how to work with eurythmy in a more lively way. We worked on: A morning children's prayer Hope-U (for grounding) A children's courage verse 7-fold rod exercises Eurythmy ā exercise (modified therapeutic eurythmy exercise) Rhythm (anapast/ short-short-long) Concentration exercise (ā with arms and legs) Wings The name "Michael" Love -ā (for regulating the heart rhythms and pressure) Ah-Reverence (for release into the night, from tension) All of these would be good for you to practice! Or you may choose certain ones that you resonate with especially. The Hope-U, Love-ā an Ah-Reverence are especially, and the exercises with ā are very good for grounding, focus, awakedness, midline work, balance, and more!
Eurythmy for the Michaelic Season – Part 1
Our Exercises for October 1 - In the spirit of Michaelic courage and awakedness, I chose to entwine the narrative of this series into a style that resembles a children's eurythmy lesson, in which a pair of young children need to practice certain skills. Several of the exercises are that these imaginary children were taught are, in fact, specific therapeutic exercises. By learning in this way, I hope you will experience not only the quite practice I usually teach but also how to work with eurythmy in a more lively way. We worked on: A morning children's prayer Hope-U (for grounding) A children's courage verse Eurythmy ā exercise (modified therapeutic eurythmy exercise) Rhythm (anapast/ short-short-long) Concentration exercise (ā with arms and legs) Wings The name "Michael" Love -ā (for regulating the heart rhythms and pressure) Ah-Reverence (for release into the night, from tension) All of these would be good for you to practice! Or you may choose certain ones that you resonate with especially. The Hope-U, Love-ā an Ah-Reverence are especially, and the exercises with ā are very good for grounding, focus, awakedness, midline work, balance, and more!