W and V: the Consonants of Waves

The World-Word and the Veils of Living Love. These two related sounds manifest the first beginnings of world creation, when through the Logos the world was "spoken into creation."

K: the Consonant of Clear Contours

Crystal clarity in the created world. Related to the G, the K demonstrates the firmness manifested by the mineral kingdom.

P: the Consonant of Peace

Pray for peace in the presence of spirit. Related to the B, the P creates protective boundaries by drawing them in from the stars.

T: the Consonant of Truth, Part 1

Touched and transformed by truth. We experience the impact of this powerful sound as if we were struck by lightning. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who need particular help with their endocrine or similar systems.

H: the Consonant of Opening, Part 1

Inhale and exhale the breath of the spirit. This almost weightless sound reveals the subtlety of the etheric world. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who are need to free themselves in certain parts of their breath or their digestion.

S: the Consonant of the Serpent and the Staff, Part 1

Subdue the snake and master the staff. Connected with the power of life, death, and healing, learning to do the S requires extreme focus and presence. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who need to master their own fire or astral forces, whether as soul or as metabolic phenomena.

F: the Consonant of Fire, Part 1

Free the force of fire into flowing air. The powerful out-breath of this sound engages strengthens our internal warmth and will forces. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who are unable to regulate how they "breathe out," whether in their breath or even in their metabolic processes.

Ch: the Consonant of Breath, Part 1

Become fully human through the breath of ruach. The "Hu" sound of the word "human" teaches us how to welcome the breath of etheric life into ourselves.

G: the Consonant of Gates, Part 1

Grow towards goodness through the grace of God. This sound develops the strength to work against obstacles. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who have certain kinds of constipation.

L: the Consonant of Transformation Part 1

Transformation leads you to light, life and love. This beautiful sound teaches the profound secrets of metamorphosis. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who are stiff or who do not engage strongly enough in their metabolism.

R: the Consonant of Renewal, Part 1

Forces of renewal lead to rejuvenation and rebirth. This light but vigorous sound engages movement through the body. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who are stiff in their joints or not enough engaged in their metabolism.

N: the Consonant of Knowing and Negation, Part 1

The need for separation to gain knowledge. This sound helps people to learn to set boundaries. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people with problems caused by too few boundaries, in the soul or in the metabolism.

D: the Consonant of Grounding, Part 1

Downward drawn, descend into the depths. This sound creates grounding and firmness through the lower body. A eurythmy therapist will develop special aspects of it for people who need grounding and metabolic help.

M: the Consonant of Warmth and Intimacy

Move within might steams of warmth the mold the world. With this sound, we work through blockages and cramps. A eurythmy therapist will develop special aspects of it for people who need support with breathing, stiffness, and the like.

B: the Consonant of Boundaries, Part 1

Create safe boundaries in the embrace of B. This is the sound of the mother and the protector. A eurythmy therapist may develop special aspects of it for people who feel vulnerable.

The Evolution Sequence: an Introduction

Begin your consonant study with these 12 sounds, and practice coordinating the sculptural forms with this eurythmy form

The Consonants: Introduction

Consonants are the formative element in language, and work in our bodies and in the world with sculptural forces

Basic Guidelines

Watch this to learn basic principles, such as the importance of silence, how often to practice, how many repetitions to use, and more.

Creating Your Eurythmy Practice

Learn where, when and how to practice, and what to wear